
Elite Dangerous pilot completes record-breaking 85,000 light year voyage without a fuel scoop | PC Gamer - thompsonbobbiandad

Elite Dangerous pilot completes immortalis-breaking 85,000 light-year sail without a fuel scoop

Elite pilot kabbooooom makes it to the edge of the galaxy
(Image credit: Frontier Developments)

Without a fuel scoop to fill your tanks from Elite Serious' billions of stellar bodies, voyages run not to get in very furthermost. Despite this, one canny pilot made it complete the way crossways the galax without one, travel terminated 84,000 light age without sucking upbound star fire.

An assumed must-have for any explorer, a fuel scoop lets you shin the surface of certain stars to top up your tank, letting you wander far from civilised blank space indefinitely. But this week, Commander Kabbooooom posted on Reddit announcing his arrival at Ishum's Reach—the farthest known steer from Soh—without equipping a single fire scoop. That's 65.6K light years as the aggregation crow flies, though Kabbooooom reckons the current path maps to about 84,341.57 light years (including one accidental detour).

The Post outlines how he prepped his Anaconda, the Tiamat's Wrath, for the trip. But evening with every thin nook and cranny filled with fuel tanks, the pilot could still only wangle a "bare" 10K light years per tank, ahead to 20K with economic planning and dense stars.

Elite Dangerous ship refuels on a bigger ship, with the entire milky way in the background

(Epitome mention: Frontier Developments)

But Kabbooooom wasn't exclusively in fashioning this travel. In a detailed logbook of the trip, the pilot explains how he kept track of various fleet carriers making their way dead set the immoderate reaches of the galaxy and back. He'd occasionally wait for weeks at a clip before a carrier jumped into a system, letting him fill up the tank before background off happening the close leg.

Despite some dangerously intimate calls and a ship teetering at 0% hull integrity, Kabbooooom did eventually make it to Ishum's Reach. Simply that's not the end of his journey. From here, he hopes to stop directly into the void and cruise as right Eastern Samoa he can run along, firmly establishing a record book for the farthest outstrip travelled from Sol without a fuel scoop.

"By my calculations, I can travel just about 90 light years beyond Ishum's Reach in supercruise, about 16 days of continuous travel (this testament likely take me a few months, with departure the plot on while I do other things every now and past)," Kabbooooom writes. "And I should still have enough fire left to jump back in one piece."

Natalie Clayton

20 years ago, Nat played Jet Set Radio Time to come for the first clip—and she's non stopped-up thinking about games since. Connexion PC Gamer in 2020, she comes from three old age of freelance reporting at Rock Paper Shotgun, Waypoint, VG247 and more. Embedded in the European indie scene and having herself industrial critically acclaimed small games like Can Androids Pray, Nat is always look for a new curiosity to scream more or less—whether it's the next best indie darling, Oregon simply someone modding a Scotmid into Negro Table. She's besides played for a emulous Splatoon team, and unofficially appears in Apex Legends under the anonym Horizon.


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