
How To Repair Hang Glider Ftb

Hang gliding

Hang glider launching from Mount Tamalpais
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Categories of aircraft
Supported past lighter-than-air gases (aerostats)
Unpowered Powered
  • Balloon
  • Balloon
Supported past LTA gases + aerodynamic lift
Unpowered Powered
  • Hybrid moored balloon
  • Kytoon
  • Hybrid airship
Supported by aerodynamic elevator (aerodynes)
Unpowered Powered
Unpowered fixed-wing Powered fixed-wing
  • Glider
  • Hang gliders
  • Paraglider
  • Kite
  • Plane (aeroplane)
  • Powered paraglider
  • Flettner plane
  • Basis-effect vehicle
Powered hybrid fixed/rotary wing
  • Tiltwing and Tiltrotor
  • Coleopter
Unpowered rotary-fly Powered rotary-wing
  • Rotor kite
  • Autogyro
  • Gyrodyne ("Heliplane")
  • Helicopter
Powered aircraft driven past flapping
  • Ornithopter
Other ways of lift
Unpowered Powered
  • Flight Bedstead
  • Avrocar

Hang gliding is an air sport in which a airplane pilot flies a light and unmotorized foot-launchable aircraft chosen a hang glider (besides known as Delta airplane or Deltaplane). Most modern hang gliders are made of an aluminium blend or blended-framed textile wing. The pilot is ensconced in a harness suspended from the airframe, and exercises control by shifting body weight in opposition to a command frame, but other devices, including modernistic aircraft flight control systems, may be used. In the sport's early days, pilots were restricted to gliding down small hills on low-operation hang gliders. However, modern technology gives pilots the ability to soar for hours, gain thousands of metres of altitude in thermal updrafts, perform aerobatics, and glide cross-country for hundreds of kilometres. The Fédération Aéronautique Internationale and national airspace governing organizations control some aspects of hang gliding. Gaining the safety benefits from being instructed is highly recommended. [ane] [2]


  • 1 History
  • 2 Preparation and safety
  • 3 Launch
  • 4 Soaring flight and cross-country flight
  • 5 Performance
  • vi Stability and equilibrium
  • 7 Instruments
    • 7.1 Variometer
    • 7.two Radio
    • 7.iii GPS
  • eight Records
  • 9 Competition
  • 10 Aerobatics
    • Classes
  • 11 Comparison of gliders, hang gliders and paragliders
  • 12 Run across likewise
  • 13 References
  • 14 External links


NASA's Paresev glider in flight with tow cable [i].

Near early glider designs did non ensure prophylactic flight; the problem was that early on flight pioneers did not sufficiently understand the underlying principles that fabricated a bird's wing work.

Starting in the 1880s technical and scientific advancements were fabricated that led to the start truly practical gliders. Otto Lilienthal built (barely) controllable gliders in the 1890s, with which he could ridge soar. He rigorously documented his work, strongly influencing afterwards designers; for this reason, Lilienthal is one of the all-time known and most influential early aviation pioneers. His aircraft was controlled past weight shift and is similar to a modernistic hang glider. (He was fastened to the gliders by his shoulders, and swung his anxiety to control them.)

In the decade 1900-1910 hang gliding saw a stiffened flexible fly hang glider in 1904, when Jan Lavezzari flew a double lateen canvas hang glider off Berck Beach, France. In 1910 in Breslau the triangle control frame with hang glider airplane pilot hung backside the triangle in a hang glider was evident in a gliding club's activity. [iii] The biplane hang glider was very widely publicized [4] in public magazines with plans for edifice; such biplane hang gliders were synthetic and flown in several nations since Octave Chanute and his tailed biplane hang gliders were demonstrated. In April 1909 a how-to article by Carl Due south.Bates proved to be a seminal hang glider article that seemingly affected builders fifty-fifty of contemporary times, as several builders would have their first hang glider made from post-obit the plan in his article. [5] Volmer Jensen with a biplane hang glider in 1940 chosen VJ-xi immune safe three-centrality command of a foot-launched hang glider. [6]

On November 23, 1948 Francis Rogallo and Gertrude Rogallo applied for a kite patent [7] for a fully flexible kited wing with canonical claims for its stiffenings and gliding uses; the flexible wing or Rogallo wing, which in 1957 the American infinite bureau NASA began testing in diverse flexible and semi-rigid configurations in order to utilize it as a recovery system for the Gemini space capsules. The various stiffening formats and the wing'southward simplicity of design and ease of construction, along with its capability of boring flying and its gentle landing characteristics, did not go unnoticed past hang glider enthusiasts. In 1960-1962 Barry Hill Palmer adjusted the flexible wing concept to make foot-launched hang gliders with [viii] four different command arrangements. In 1963 Mike Burns adapted the flexible wing to build a kite-hang glider he called Skiplane. In 1963, John W. Dickenson adapted the flexible fly airfoil concept to brand another h2o-ski kite glider; for this, the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale vested Dickenson with the Hang Gliding Diploma (2006) for the invention of the modernistic hang glider. [9]

Training and safety

Learning to hang glide.

Hang gliding has traditionally been considered an dangerous sport. Modern hang gliders are very sturdy when constructed to HGMA, BHPA, DHV, or other certified standards using modern materials. Although lightweight they can be easily damaged, either through misuse or by continued operation in unsafe air current and weather atmospheric condition. All mod gliders have built-in dive recovery mechanisms such every bit luff lines in kingposted gliders. The inherent danger of gliding at the mercy of thermal and current of air currents has nevertheless resulted in numerous fatal accidents and many serious injuries over the years, fifty-fifty to experienced pilots, and the resulting bad publicity has affected the popularity of hang gliding.

Pilots may carry a backup parachute in the harness. In case of serious problems the parachute is deployed and carries both pilot and glider down to globe. Pilots also wear helmets and mostly carry other safety items such equally knives (for cut their parachute determent after impact or cutting their harness lines and straps in case of a tree or h2o landing), light ropes (for lowering from trees to haul up tools or climbing ropes), radios (for calling for help), and beginning-aid equipment.

The blow rate from hang glider flight has been dramatically decreased by pilot grooming. Early hang glider pilots learned their sport through trial and mistake. Grooming programs have been developed for today'due south pilot with emphasis on flight within safety limits, also every bit the discipline to cease flying when weather conditions are unfavorable, for example: backlog air current or take chances deject suck.

In the Uk there is one death per 116,000 flights, a adventure comparable to running a marathon or playing football for a year. [10]


Video of a human foot-launching from a colina

Launch techniques include foot-launching from a hill, tow-launching from a basis-based tow system, aerotowing (behind a powered aircraft), powered harnesses, and being towed upwardly by a boat. Modern winch tows typically utilize hydraulic systems designed to regulate line tension, this reduces scenarios for lock out every bit potent winds outcome in boosted length of rope spooling out rather than direct tension on the tow line. Other more exotic launch techniques accept also been used successfully, such every bit hot air balloon drops from very high altitude. Flights in not-soarable weather are referred to as "sled runs".

Soaring flight and cross-country flight

Adept gliding weather. Well formed cumulus clouds with darker bases propose agile thermals and light winds.

A glider is continuously descending through nearby air, yet glider pilots can stay airborne for hours by flying in areas of rise air. In one case this skill has been mastered, pilots can glide long distances to fly cross-land (90). Ascension air masses derive from the following sources: [11]

The most commonly used source of lift is created by the sun'south energy heating the ground which in turn heats the air in a higher place information technology. This warm air rises in columns known as thermals. Soaring pilots quickly become aware of land features which can generate thermals; and of visual indications of thermals such as soaring birds, cumulus clouds, cloud streets, dust devils, and haze domes. As well, nearly every glider contains an instrument known as a variometer (a very sensitive vertical speed indicator) which shows visually (and often audibly) the presence of lift and sink. Having located a thermal, a glider pilot will circumvolve within the surface area of ascent air to proceeds height. In the case of a cloud street thermals can line upwardly with the wind creating rows of thermals and sinking air. A pilot tin can use a cloud street to fly long straight-line distances by remaining in the row of rising air.
Ridge lift
Ridge elevator occurs when the wind meets a mountain, cliff or colina. The air is deflected up the windward confront of the mountain, causing lift. Gliders tin can climb in this rising air by flying along the characteristic. Some other proper name for flying with ridge elevator is gradient soaring.
Mountain waves
The tertiary chief type of lift used by glider pilots is the lee waves that occur near mountains. The obstruction to the airflow tin generate continuing waves with alternate areas of lift and sink. The top of each wave peak is frequently marked by lenticular cloud formations.
Another course of lift results from the convergence of air masses, every bit with a sea-breeze front. More exotic forms of lift are the polar vortexes which the Perlan Project hopes to utilise to soar to great altitudes. [12] A rare miracle known as Forenoon Glory has also been used by glider pilots in Australia. [13]


Hang gliding at Hyner, Pennsylvania.

With each generation of materials and with the improvements in aerodynamics, the performance of hang gliders has increased. One measure out of performance is the glide ratio. For example, a ratio of 12:1 means that in smooth air a glider can travel forward 12 meters while simply losing one meter of altitude.

Some performance figures as of 2006:

  • Topless gliders (no kingpost): glide ratio ~17:i, speed range ~30 to >145 km/h, best glide at ~45 to 60 km/h
  • Rigid wings: glide ratio ~20:1, speed range ~ 35 to > 130 km/h, best glide at ~fifty to 60 km/h.
The extra weight provided by ballast is advantageous if the elevator is probable to be strong. Although heavier gliders have a slight disadvantage when climbing in rising air, they accomplish a higher speed at any given glide angle. This is an advantage in strong weather condition when the gliders spend but little time climbing in thermals.

Stability and equilibrium

High operation flexible wing hang glider. 2006

Considering hang gliders are near often used for recreational flying, a premium is placed on gentle behavior especially at the stall and natural pitch stability. The fly loading must be very low in order to allow the pilot to run fast enough to get to a higher place stall speed. Unlike a traditional aircraft with an extended fuselage and empennage for maintaining stability, hang gliders rely on the natural stability of their flexible wings to render to equilibrium in yaw and pitch. Roll stability is generally set to be nigh neutral. In calm air, a properly designed wing will maintain balanced trimmed flight with little pilot input. The flex wing pilot is suspended beneath the fly by a strap attached to his harness. The pilot lies prone (sometimes supine) inside a large, triangular, metallic command frame. Controlled flight is achieved by the airplane pilot pushing and pulling on this command frame thus shifting his weight fore or aft, and right or left in coordinated maneuvers.

Most flexible wings are gear up with almost neutral roll due to slip (anhedral effect). In the coil axis, the airplane pilot shifts his torso mass using the wing control bar, applying a rolling moment directly to the wing. The flexible fly is built to flex differentially across the span in response to the airplane pilot applied coil moment. For example, if the airplane pilot shifts his weight to the right, the correct fly trailing border flexes up more than the left, allowing the right fly to drib and slow down.
The yaw axis is stabilized through the sweep back of the wings. The swept planform, when yawed out of the relative wind, creates more elevator on the advancing fly and also more than elevate, stabilizing the fly in yaw. If i wing advances ahead of the other, information technology presents more than area to the wind and causes more drag on that side. This causes the advancing wing to go slower and to autumn dorsum. The fly is at equilibrium when the aircraft is traveling straight and both wings present the same amount of expanse to the wind.
The pitch control response is direct and very efficient. Information technology is partially stabilized by the sweep of the wings. The wing center of gravity is shut to the hang bespeak and, at the trim speed, the fly will wing "hands off" and return to trim after being disturbed. The weight-shift control system only works when the wing is positively loaded (right side up). Positive pitching devices such every bit reflex lines or washout rods are employed to maintain a minimum prophylactic amount of washout when the wing is unloaded or fifty-fifty negatively loaded (upside down). Flight faster than trim speed is accomplished past moving the pilot's weight forward in the command frame; flying slower by shifting the pilot's weight aft (pushing out).

Furthermore, the fact that the fly is designed to curve and flex, provides favorable dynamics analogous to a bound suspension. This allows the wing to be less susceptible to turbulence and provides a gentler flying experience than a similarly sized rigid-winged aircraft.


To maximize a pilot'south agreement of how the hang glider is flying, nearly pilots comport instruments. The most basic being a variometer and altimeter—often combined. Some more than advanced pilots also behave airspeed indicators and radios. When flying in competition or cantankerous state, pilots often too conduct maps and/or GPS units. Hang gliders do not have instrument panels every bit such, so all the instruments are mounted to the control frame of the glider or occasionally based on one's watch.


Vario-altimeter (circa 1998)

Gliding pilots are able to sense the acceleration forces when they first hit a thermal, but have difficulty gauging constant movement. Thus it is hard to detect the difference betwixt constantly rising air and constantly sinking air. A variometer is a very sensitive vertical speed indicator. The variometer indicates climb rate or sink rate with audio signals (beeps) and/or a visual display. These units are mostly electronic, vary in composure, and oft include an altimeter and an airspeed indicator. More advanced units oftentimes contain a barograph for recording flight data and/or a built-in GPS. The main purpose of a variometer is in helping a pilot find and stay in the 'core' of a thermal to maximize height gain, and conversely indicating when he or she is in sinking air and needs to find rising air. Variometers are sometimes capable of electronic calculations to betoken the optimal speed to fly for given weather condition. The MacCready theory answers the question on how fast a pilot should cruise between thermals, given the average lift the pilot expects in the next thermal climb and the amount of lift or sink he encounters in cruise mode. [14] Some electronic variometers make the calculations automatically, assuasive for factors such equally the glider's theoretical performance (glide ratio), altitude, hook in weight, and wind direction.


Aircraft radio

Pilots apply radio for training purposes, and for communicating with other pilots in the air – especially when traveling together on cross-land flights.

1 type of radios used are PTT (push-to-talk) transceivers, operating in or around the FM VHF 2-meter band (144 MHz–148 MHz). Usually a microphone is incorporated in the helmet, and the PTT switch is either fixed to the outside of the helmet, or strapped to a finger. Operating a 2-meter band radio without an appropriate Amateur Radio license is illegal in most countries that have regulated airwaves (such as the United States).

As aircraft operating in airspace occupied by other aircraft, hang glider pilots too use the appropriate type of radio i.due east. the shipping transceiver. It can, of grade, be fitted with a PTT switch to a finger and speakers within the helmet. The use of aircraft transceivers is discipline to regulations specific to the use in the air such as frequencies restrictions but has several advantages over FM (i.eastward. frequency modulated) Amateur Radios. 1 is the great range it has (without repeaters) because of its aamplitude modulation (i.e. AM). 2 is the ability to contact, inform and be informed directly past other aircraft pilots of their intentions thereby improving collision avoidance and increasing rubber. Three is to let greater liberty regarding distance flights in regulated airspaces, in which the aircraft radio is normally a legal requirement. Four is the universal emergency frequency monitored by all other users and satellites and used in case of emergency or impending emergency.


GPS (global positioning system) is a necessary accessory when flying competitions, where it has to be demonstrated that way-points have been correctly passed.

It can also be interesting to view a GPS rails of a flying when back on the basis, to clarify flying technique. Calculator software is available which allows various analyses of GPS tracks.

Other uses include beingness able to determine drift due to the prevailing wind when flight at distance, providing position data to allow restricted airspace to be avoided, and identifying one'southward location for retrieval teams subsequently landing-out in unfamiliar territory.[ citation needed ]

More recently, the use of GPS data, linked to a computer, has enabled pilots to share 3D tracks of their flights on Google Earth. This fascinating insight allows comparisons betwixt competing pilots to be made in a detailed post-flying assay.[ commendation needed ]


Records are sanctioned by the FAI. The world record(s) (as of 2005) for "complimentary altitude" is held by Manfred Ruhmer with 700.6 km (435.three mi) in 2001 and Michael Hairdresser flew a distance of 704 km (437 mi) on June 19, 2002 in Zapata Texas. [fifteen]

Other records include:
Out-and-Return distance - 332.5 km (206.six mi), July 5, 2007 by George Stebbins, starting and ending just South of Lone Pine, California.
Largest triangle - 357.12 km (221.90 mi), December xvi, 2000 by Tomáš Suchánek a Czech HG and sailplane airplane pilot, starting and ending from Riverside, Australia.[ commendation needed ]


Competitions started with "flight as long as possible" and spot landings. With increasing performance, cross-country flying replaced them. Usually two to four waypoints take to exist passed with a landing at a goal. In the late 1990s depression-power GPS units were introduced and take completely replaced photographs of the goal. Every two years there is a world title. The Rigid and Women'southward World Championship in 2006 was hosted by Quest Air in Florida. Big Jump, Texas hosted the 2007 World Championship. Hang gliding is besides one of the competition categories in Earth Air Games organized past Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (World Air Sports Federation - FAI), which maintains a chronology of the FAI World Hang Gliding Championships. [16]


Hang gliders are non certified for aerobatic flight. Pilots perform aerobatics at their own gamble. There are three basic maneuvers in a hang glider, non counting a loop, which is actually a climbover with the same entry and leave heading. The following descriptions are excerpts from a nationally recognized rules book.

iii.1 Official Maneuvers A figure with a bank angle of more than 90° is a maneuver.

3.1.ane Loop A loop is defined equally a maneuver that starts in a wings level dive, climbs, without whatever rolling, to the apex where the glider is upside down, wings level (heading back where information technology came from), and so returning to the start mental attitude and heading, again without rolling, having completed an approximately circular path in the vertical airplane.

3.i.2 Spin A spin is scored from the moment one wing stalls and the glider rotates noticeably into the spin. The entry heading is noted at this point. The glider must remain in the spin for at least 1/ii of a revolution to score any versatility spin points. Rollover A Rollover is a maneuver where the apex heading is less than 90° left or right of the entry heading.

three.1.4 Climb over A Climb over is a maneuver where the apex heading is greater than 90° left or correct of the entry heading.


Modern 'flexible fly' hang glider.

For competitive purposes, there are three classes of hang glider:

  • Form 1 The flexible wing hang glider, having flight controlled by a wing whose shape changes by virtue of the shifted weight of the airplane pilot. This is not a paraglider.
  • Class 5 The rigid wing hang glider, having flight controlled by spoilers, typically on pinnacle of the wing. In both flexible and rigid wings the pilot hangs beneath the fly without any additional fairing.
  • Class ii (designated by the FAI as Sub-Form O-2) where the pilot is integrated into the fly by ways of a fairing. These offer the best performance and are the most expensive.

In addition to typical launch configurations, a hang glider may be so constructed for culling launching modes other than beingness foot launched; one practical artery for this is for people who physically cannot foot-launch. [17]

Comparison of gliders, hang gliders and paragliders

In that location can be confusion between gliders, hang gliders, and paragliders. Paragliders and hang gliders are both pes-launched glider aircraft and in both cases the airplane pilot is suspended ("hangs") below the lift surface, but "hang glider" is the default term for those where the airframe contains rigid structures. The master structure of paragliders is supple, consisting mainly of woven material. [xviii]

The master differences betwixt the types are:[ citation needed ]

Paragliders Hang gliders Gliders/Sailplanes
Undercarriage Pilot's legs used for have-off and landing Pilot'south legs used for take-off and landing Aircraft takes off and lands using a wheeled undercarriage or skids
Fly structure entirely flexible, with shape maintained purely by the pressure of air flowing into and over the fly in flight and the tension of the lines generally flexible but supported on a rigid frame which determines its shape, but note that rigid fly hang gliders also exist rigid surface to wings that totally encases structure
Pilot position sitting supine in a seated harness. usually lying prone in a cocoon-like harness suspended from the wing. Seated, and 'supine' are also possible. sitting in a seat with a harness surrounded past a crash-resistant structure.
Speed range
(stall speed – max speed)
slower – typically 25 to 60km/h for recreational gliders (over 40km/h requires use of speed bar) [19] hence easier to launch and fly in low-cal winds, to the lowest degree wind penetration, pitch variation can be achieved with the controls. easier to launch and fly in stronger weather with better current of air penetration, and can outrun bad weather condition, weight shift pitch control[ citation needed ] even faster - maximum speed upwards to about 280 km/h (170 mph); stall speed typically 65 km/h (40mph). Able to fly in windier turbulent conditions and tin outrun bad atmospheric condition. Exceptional penetration into the wind. Semi- or fully aerobatic.
Maximum glide ratio about 10, relatively poor glide operation makes long-distances more than difficult. The current world tape is just higher up 500 km (310 miles) [xx] about 17 for flexible wings, though upwardly to xx for rigid wings.[ citation needed ] Open up form sailplanes typically effectually 60:1 just in more common 15-eighteen meter span aircraft, glide ratios are between 38:i and 52:ane. [21] , loftier glide performance enabling long distances, 3,000 km (1,800+ mile record) [22]
Turn radius tighter turn radius, allowing circling in the rapidly ascension center of thermals somewhat larger plough radius, not allowing such a high charge per unit of climb in thermals even greater plow radius but nevertheless able to circle tightly in thermals
Landing smaller space needed to land, offering more landing options from cross-country flights. Also easier to carry back to the nearest road longer approach & landing area required, merely tin reach more than landing areas due superior glide range tin land in less than 200 metres and tin often reach some other airfield.[ citation needed ] Specialised trailer needed to remember past road
Learning simplest and quickest to learn teaching is washed in a two seat glider with dual controls
Convenience packs smaller (easier to transport and shop); lighter (can exist easily carried considerable distances); quicker to rig & de-rig; transported in the trunk of a car more bad-mannered to send & store; longer to rig and de-rig; transported on the roof of a car trailers are typically 10 thousand (30 ft) long. Rigging & de-rigging takes near 20 minutes
Toll cost new €2000 up [23] , cheapest simply shortest lasting (around 500 hours flight depending on handling) merely active second hand marketplace [24] toll of new gliders very high only long lasting (several decades), and so agile 2d hand market typically from €2000 to €145,000 [25] . Frequently shared ownership[ citation needed ]

See too

  • Gliding
  • Paragliding
  • Microlift gliding
  • Nanolight
  • Powered paragliding
  • Powered hang gliding
  • Comparison with gliders and paragliders
  • Kite types - paragliders and the types of hang gliders having the pilot hang from a kite line are types of kites where the kite lines vary in length and number and the gravity-drawn mass of the pilot is the moving mooring.
  • USHPA - United states Hang Gliding & Paragliding Clan


  1. ^ How to Buy a Hang Glider past George Meadows.
  2. ^ Learning to Hang Glide
  3. ^ 1908 hang glider in Breslau territory with airplane pilot hung behind cable-stayed triangle control frame, a device used through 1900s up to today.
  4. ^ The Octave Chanute Pages
  5. ^ The Popular Mechanics Glider
  6. ^ VJ-xi Information Folio. The history of the VJ-11 hang glider.
  7. ^ Flexible kite
  8. ^ Carl S. Bates
  9. ^ FAI Award: The FAI Hang Gliding Diploma
  10. ^ Risk of dying and sporting activities , http://world wide , retrieved 2011-05-31
  11. ^ Pagen, Dennis (Jan 1992). Understanding the Sky - A Sport Pilot's Guide to Flying Conditions. Mingoville, Pennsylvania, Us: Dennis Pagen. pp. 280. ISBN thirteen: 978-0936310107.
  12. ^ Perlan Projection
  13. ^ A Guide to the Morning Glory
  14. ^
  15. ^ Mike Barber needed to fly 1% further than Ruhmer's 700 km (430 mi) in society to break the official FAI tape; Hairdresser needed to fly just 3 more miles for a total of 708 kilometres (440 mi). Barber's flight remains the longest hang glider flight ever.
  16. ^ Chronology of the FAI Earth Hang Gliding Championships
  17. ^ Dan Buchanan
  18. ^ Paragliding: the Complete Guide, Noel Whittall, The Lyons Press (
  19. ^ Technical data for Accelerate Omega 8 - accessed 22-ten-2011
  20. ^ FAI Paragliding record - accessed 2010-11-30
  21. ^ Handicap list 2008 of the Deutscher Aero Society - accessed 2008-08-07
  22. ^ FAI records Accessed 30 Nov 2010
  23. ^ major articles toll list - accessed 2011-x-21
  24. ^ Typical gear up of classified ads
  25. ^ Typical prepare of classified ads
  • "Hang-gliding -- the new sport" (pdf). Flight International. 9 May 1974.
  • Ann Welch (10 Dec 1977), "Hang-gliding review" (pdf), Flight International ,
  • Ann Welch (14 June 1973), "LIKE A BIRD ON THE Breeze" (pdf), Flight International: 921-923,

External links

  • How hang gliding works: Rogallo wing
  • Hang glider "bible"
  • Hang gliding records
  • Hang gliding at the Open Directory Project
  • Hang gliding photos
  • Hang gliding photos
  • Otto Lilienthal video photo montage
  • Hang gliding pioneers video interview
  • The US Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association History


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